“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him” (Matthew 7:11, NIV)!
We need to get back to being like little children. They’re simple. They’re dependent. They just ask and take you at your work.
Have you ever promised a child something? They’re like a dog with a bone. They won’t let that thing go until it’s done.
We need to be like children who come to God and say,
“You promised!”
We need to take God at His Word. Kids are not afraid to ask you for anything. That’s how kids are. They know they’re loved. They’re not afraid to ask you for anything because perfect love produces confidence, and confidence produces faith–and faith has no limitations. We know and rely on the love God has for us–not on the love we have for God (1 John 4:16).
God’s love has no limitations and no boundaries. It doesn’t have a cap. It’s not on a budget. Although I’m not perfect and you’re not perfect–we are perfectly loved. So when we’re making a list as children of God, and we go to our Heavenly Father–why do we have issues with making our list of things to ask Him about? Why do we approach God as though he’s on a budget? Why do act like we know what’s in His bank account?
When thoughts cause us to doubt in our mind, we dumb down our list and scale it back. We approach God as though He were one of us. As though He has feelings like us, which He does–but He doesn’t change. His feelings never cause Him to retaliate. Just because we get irritated when someone gives us a list of things to do, He doesn’t get irritated when we give Him a list. We judge God’s supply according to our own deficit.
Think about this:
- The blind man didn’t ask for a walking stick because Jesus was a carpenter! He asked to see.
- The woman with the issue of blood didn’t ask Jesus for an OBGYN! She asked for healing.
Today, ask God what is hindering you from asking Him for what you really want.
I am lost and I need help. My spirit is broken. I can’t make any connection with Christians and I feel like a pharisee hypocrite. When I went to the woman’s conference and heard you speak; your words touched me, but I can’t get passed whatever it is that is holding me back from committing and letting go. This is the first time that I reach out to anyone, and it is because I identify with some of your story. How did you overcome the hurt and damage that people did to you because I can’t.