The apostle Paul tells Timothy, his son in the faith, “The only way you can fight the good fight of faith is by holding on to faith and a good conscience!” (1 Tim. 1:18–19, my paraphrase).
That’s the dynamic duo.
That’s the one-two punch!
Paul is warning Timothy that there’s no other way to be victorious through the treacherous battle day in and day out.
He had to hold on to faith and a good conscience. The same is true for you. Don’t ever let go of these two vital ingredients:
- Faith—in the finished work of Jesus Christ, not faith in faith or faith in your good works.
- A good conscience—the knowledge that you are in right standing with God because of the blood of Jesus. We must put our conscience in line with God’s Word. If the Word says God is satisfied and the debt has been paid, then we must by faith speak the Word of God to our accusing conscience. If the conscience knows that God is satisfied, then our conscience will be satisfied.
The revelation of this word brings about a revolution.
Revolutionary thinking must transpire eighteen inches deep down in our innermost being.
Revelation 12:10–11 says, “For the accuser of our brethren . . . has been cast down. And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (nkjv).
This is the bottom line.
The blood of Jesus ends all conversation with our conscience as we declare that the blood has given us “All Access”! The blood sealed the deal! We’re not dead men walking, but we’ve been made alive forevermore! Let’s take an eighteen-inch victory walk. Let’s leave the path of guilt and shame, and walk eighteen inches onto the path of freedom and liberty!
I believe the Holy Spirit is saying to you as you are reading these words: “(Insert your name right now), where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you. Come and take your seat!”
No one else can ever take your seat!
It has your name on it. It will remain empty because no one else can take your place! God has given you a personal invitation into His house. There are gifts tailor-made just for you. There’s a room filled with free food for you to feast on—there’s bread of life from the table of the Lord.
Let’s move to a new address. No more living on Pitiful Place, Depression Drive, or Oppression Overpass. Let’s live on Confidence Court, Approval Avenue, Love Lane, and Boldness Boulevard because we all have all access!
This is the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Copyright © 2015 by Maria Durso, All Rights Reserved. Purchase a copy of my new book, From Your Head to Your Heart, on Amazon here.
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