When Jesus was on the cross, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30), then He later sat down at the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19) and now intercedes for you and me (Rom. 8:34).
He’s praying that we get on with our relationship with Him without fear and dread! The blood of Jesus puts an end to all our fruitless deeds so we can hurry up and get into the throne room and have a real relationship with our God. That’s all He ever wanted from the moment He made mankind—He wanted someone He could pour Himself into and love!
The debt we once owed can never be paid back, and God doesn’t expect us to repay it.
So it stands to reason that it must be paid forward.
The only outstanding debt that we owe is to love one another (Rom. 13:8).
That’s it!
That’s all we are expected to pay back. We are just to pay God’s love forward! Going forward is where all the action is—living in total freedom, debt-free! We must live to give out the same mercy we’ve been given! We are to love with the same measure with which we have been loved. I know that’s the only thing that will please the heart of God!
Copyright © 2015 by Maria Durso, All Rights Reserved. Purchase a copy of my new book, From Your Head to Your Heart, on Amazon here.
Diana Crews says
Very well spoken I like how you think about the love of God